Tuesday 26 February 2013


One of the big downsides of the tropics is mosquitoes. Some people suffer more than others – whether it’s to do with sugar levels in the blood or just plain being a tourist – it’s guaranteed that you are going to get bitten at some time.
In the years I’ve been travelling I’ve picked up a few tips and trialled a few products – some of which work and some that don’t. One of the fundamental things that you need to know is that sunset is the worst time of day to get bitten – just when you are enjoying that sun-downer, out they come in force.
My top tip is DON’T WEAR BLACK – in fact avoid all dark colours as they are attracted to them with the result that will be buzzing around you in no time.
It’s been said before but if you are going to hang out in a bar for the evening, cover up a bit. Wear loose trousers and a long-sleeved top or a maxi-dress – both linen and silk look good and are surprisingly cool and apply repellent to your feet and ankles.

Which leads me to my next point – they love to bite ankles and lower legs – probably because when you are sat at a bar or a table, that’s where the darkest place is.
If you are staying at a house or hotel, make sure that either the windows have insect nets or close them altogether at sundown otherwise just as you are in bed that annoying little whine around your head will begin before long and keep you awake for hours until you’ve tracked down the culprit.
Invest in some fly spray and spray your house or room before you go out so that anything lurking will have been dealt with when you get back.
Citronella candles can help as they don’t like the smell but won’t solve the problem altogether.
Citronella oil is good and readily available – add a couple of drops to your suntan or body lotion and that will help keep them away.

Boots Repel: I’ve tried this in the spray and the cream and the smell is overpowering and quite disgusting – does it work? Not noticeably for me. I tried the yellow bottle deet-free formula with citronella but I’ve noticed they have brought out a blue light fragrance range– maybe worth another try. www.boots.com
Jungle Formula: As above – overpowering. Made me cough – not a good sign. Effective on my daughter who has a bad reaction to bites and kept mosquitoes away from my grandchildren. But who wants to go around smelling awful? Universally available but also atwww.boots.com
Avon Skin So Soft Dry Oil Spray: recommended for travellers and film crews. Very effective HOWEVER does not mix with sun protection during the day very well but good for evening and night application. Very economical, very reasonably priced. www.avonshop.co.uk
Soltan Moisturising Suncare Lotion with Insect Repellent: Excellent all round and effective. All-in-one formula means not carrying around tons of bottles all day. One of the best. www.boots.com

Soltan Aftersun Hydrating Lotion with Insect Repellent is also brilliant and very soothing for sunburn – smells fab. One of my favourites. www.boots.com
Earth Mother Botanicals Bug be Gone: For people who like their skin products organic and with natural ingredients this is the best. Safe for children and deet free. Lovely smell of lemongrass and is also soothing if you have been bitten. Highly recommended. www.earthmotherbotanicals.com
Johnson& Johnson baby Anti-mosquito Lotion: I discovered this quite by chance a couple of years ago in Barbados and, as my grandchildren were coming to stay, bought it. It was altogether extremely effective, smelled fabulous and we all ended up using it. Unfortunately I couldn’t find it anywhere on the island last year but apparently it’s on Amazon and E-Bay.

1 comment:

  1. Dont forget the citronella candles.... burn them on the patio in the evening.
